Join us for an enlightening evening of self-discovery with the Sahaja Yoga Foundation of Thailand

From Chaos to Inner Peace:Unveil Your True Self with Sahaja Yoga MeditationRise beyond your daily struggles & Experience the silence within: Join us for a journey of Self discovery with Sahaja Yoga meditation. Awaken your inner most energy, discover a path to lasting balance, harmony and mental stillness. 📌Register Here:📌Friday, Feb 23rd, 2024 7-9 PM | […]
The South-East Asia self realization tour

The South-East Asia self realization tour (by Sahaja Yoga international) is fast approaching 🙏 In Thailand from 18 to 25 October For more, visit
Meditation festival at Chulalongkorn University

One of the highlights of our recent meditation festival at Chulalongkorn University was a glimpse of the research conducted by teachers across 10 schools in Ubon Ratchatani, eastern province of Thailand, on the benefits of Sahaja Yoga meditation on students’ academic achievements and behaviour.
Sahaja Yoga Foundation at Chulalongkorn University, Music Hall

Sahaja Yoga Foundation of Thailand and the Dharma Center, Chulalongkorn University, with support from the Indian Council for Cultural Relations are joining hands to co-host and present “Spreading The Light of The Spirit: Sahaja Yoga Meditation and Wellness Festival” to celebrate the 100th Birth anniversary of its founder, H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation & Festival on 11th & 12th Mar’23

Sahaja Yoga Meditation & Festival on 11th & 12th Mar’23 is being organised on the occasion of 100th Birthday celebration of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Great opportunity for new seekers, free entry
Thailand celebrated the International Day of Yoga on Sunday 19 June

Sahaja Yoga Meditation, Thailand celebrated the International Day of Yoga on Sunday 19 June @Srinakharinwirot Universit
Sahaja Yoga joins International Day of Yoga celebrations in Bangkok

Sahaja Yoga meditation practitioners will be among the crowd of yoga lovers who converge to Srinakharinwirot University (Sukhumvit 23), in Bangkok on Sunday 19 June 2022, to celebrate the 8th International Day of Yoga! We will have a booth at the event and offer the experience of self-realization (Kundalini awakening), which with continous practice can […]
Love without borders 🇹🇭💝🇮🇳

Members of Sahaja Yoga meditation Thailand joined hands and generously donated funds to purchase oxygen generating machines, sent to Indian brothers and sisters at the peak of a severe crisis brought by the COVID-19 pandemic in May 2021. With additional contribution from the Hong Kong and Chinese collectives, a total of 41 machines (10 liters […]
Celebrating a life dedicated to Self-Realization!

On 21 March, Sahaja Yoga practitioners around the world celebrate the birth of HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, founder of Sahaja Yoga meditation, who dedicated her entire life to the emancipation of human beings, giving them essential tools for self transformation and self-realization. Her message of pure love, unity and harmony- with tools and tips […]
Inner peace reaches schools in Anthong province

In August 2019, Sahaja Yoga meditation Foundation of Thailand delivered a series of meditation sessions to schools in Anthong province of Thailand, north of Bangkok. Three sessions were organized for Pa Mok Temple elementary school. Cuteness and bliss overload! Students were able to experience deep inner peace and harmony.